This morning I received an email from a friend asking if I had seen the scene from the upcoming movie 2012 last night, it was on every TV channel so it was hard to miss. Here’s what I wrote to her:
Yeah, I did see it. Stayed up later than I should have just so that I COULD see it.
I’m impressed with the special effects etc., but that scene was so over the top that credibility may be (thankfully) lost. Their interpretation of what will happen in 2012, if anything happens at all, could be damaging.
As you know I’ve been going further and further down the rabbit hole in my self studies of consciousness and I’ve come to a few conclusions, one of which is that we can control things in our environment more than I originally believed.

‘The Secret‘ talks about manifesting things into your life and I believe that works on a personal level. You’ve heard of prayer circles and the like where a small group of people meditate/pray for something, ie. someone’s health and they are able to effectuate change? Now, imagine just 1/10th of the planet, nearly 700-million people meditating/praying on the same thing…voluntarily or involuntarily…what are we with our collective conscious going to be able to accomplish? We could move mountains….or worse.
If enough people on the planet begin to fear the worst for 2012…they may accidentally manifest those things.
I continue to tell people that 2012 will be a time of peace, a time of realizing our connectedness to nature, of our one-ness with the living planet and to the living Universe. A Revelation! NOTE: The Greek word for Apocalypse is defined as “the act of revealing or unveiling”.
Noetic science is making huge strides in proving what I’m talking about in terms of our collective consciousness. Their investigations into things like clairvoyance, astral projection, telepathy, ESP, remote viewing, etc….is pointing to one undeniable fact…we are all connected to one another on the spiritual plane. We are all one. A part of a collective whole…and as such we wield great power. But that power could be compared to a child playing with a loaded gun, we just don’t realize that we’re loadedNostradamus: 2012 2009 Hollywood Movie in Hindi Download Part 1
Nostradamus: 2012 2009 Hollywood Movie in Hindi Download Part 2
Nostradamus: 2012 2009 Hollywood Movie in Hindi Download Part 3
Nostradamus: 2012 2009 Hollywood Movie in Hindi Download Part 4
Nostradamus: 2012 2009 Hollywood Movie in Hindi Download Part 5
Nostradamus: 2012 2009 Hollywood Movie in Hindi Download Part 6
Nostradamus: 2012 2009 Hollywood Movie in Hindi Download Part 7
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